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The 80% Rule: Eating Like a Blue Zoner (Without Feeling Deprived!)

Writer's picture: Lisa Marie StaabLisa Marie Staab

I think we’ve all been there—you’re sitting at the table, your meal is nearly done, and you hit that moment where you could totally stop eating, but… there’s still food on your plate. Or maybe there’s that extra piece of bread calling your name. Or dessert is just sitting there, waiting to be loved.

Before you know it, you’re 100% full, then 110% full, and soon, it’s stretchy pants time while you question your life choices.

Sound familiar?

Well, in the Blue Zones, where people live the longest, healthiest lives on the planet (Studied - I'm sure there are others not researched yet), they have a simple way to avoid that regretful, overstuffed feeling: the 80% rule. In Okinawa, Japan, they call it Hara Hachi Bu, which basically means “eat until you’re 80% full”—then stop. It’s a practice that naturally reduces caloric intake, prevents weight gain, and helps avoid chronic diseases. But here’s the thing: it’s not about dieting or deprivation. It’s about eating with intention and actually enjoying your food.

The Magic of Eating Mindfully - Like a Blue Zoner

So, how do we actually know when we’re 80% full? Good question! It’s not like we have an internal fuel gauge that dings when we hit the mark. This is where mindfulness comes in.

We live in a world where eating often happens in hyper-speed mode—scarfing down lunch between meetings, snacking in front of Netflix, grabbing something on the go while replying to emails. But when we eat like this, we bypass our body’s natural signals that tell us "Hey, I’m good now!"

Blue Zone cultures, on the other hand, treat meals as an experience rather than a chore. They slow down, engage with their food, and actually savour the flavors, textures, and aromas. And this helps them naturally stop at that perfect 80% full mark—before the post-meal regret kicks in.

Here’s how to bring the 80% rule into your life (without moving to Okinawa)

1️⃣ Slow Down. Put your fork down between bites. Breathe. Maybe even have a conversation between mouthfuls or simply BE.

2️⃣ Engage Your Senses. Smell the spices, feel the textures in your mouth, and really taste all those flavours present. You’re blessed to be eating amazing food—actually experience it!

3️⃣ Listen to Your Body. Check-in with yourself mid-meal. If you could eat more but don’t need to, that’s your sweet spot.

4️⃣ Don’t Eat Straight From the Bag. Because let’s be honest, no one knows when they hit 80% while inhaling chips straight from the packet. Unlike my recent effort at the airport when my plane was delayed for 2 hours & I devoured a whole packet of Pappadams when I told myself I'd just have a couple 😬. Definitely not 'eating like a blue zoner that day!

5️⃣ Make Mealtimes Sacred. Step away from screens, sit down at a table, and create a little ritual around eating—just like they do in the Blue Zones. I always did this with the kids. Sitting in front of the TV or a movie was the exception - and I honestly believe we're closer for it.

It’s About Satisfaction, Not Restriction

The 80% rule isn’t about eating less just for the sake of it. It’s about eating just enough to feel good—energized, light, and satisfied. And isn’t that the goal? It definitely is NOT about deprivation.

At our Sardinia: Blue Zones & Beyond Retreat, we’ll not only explore this principle in action, but we’ll also experience how true nourishment goes beyond what’s on your plate. We’ll enjoy long, leisurely meals together, soak up the Mediterranean way of eating, and bring mindfulness into every bite.

And don’t worry—we’ll still be indulging in incredible food (hello, fresh pasta and local cheeses and the odd glass of vino!). But we’ll be doing it in a way that leaves us feeling amazing—not uncomfortably stuffed and reaching for an elastic waistband.

So, are you ready to experience the magic of the Blue Zones lifestyle for yourself?

Join me in Sardinia, where we’ll eat well, live well, and learn how to bring these simple, joyful practices into our everyday lives.

Click here for all the details!

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